Family Photography

An afternoon with the Garvey Family

Kelly is such an awesome photographer. I would be lying if I said I wasn't super intimidated to go to her house and photograph her family being awesome; however, Kelly being the super sweet and supportive friend she is just shook my nerves out and we had a blast! No... seriously... I had so much fun. It didn't really feel like a session at all to be honest. It felt more like being a fly on the wall watching a family engage with each other and just love on one another. She is such a great mother too. I feel like I need to step up my #momgame (HA! DID I JUST SERIOUSLY DO THAT!? I am just trying to stay hip and with the times) after watching Kelly interact with her kiddos. You can tell her family just adores her as well. Did I mention that her house is amazing! It was so perfectly decorated and just all around beautiful

I felt like kicking off my shoes and joining them for dinner when we were done taking photos, but... duty calls and I could hear the cries of my little munchkins at home from across town.  Love you Kelly!